Friday, February 21, is Spirit Day in recognition of the Reading Bowl and those team members. They are still in competition season,and we want to recognize their efforts. Additionally, one of our students is attempting to raise funds to purchase a Diabetic Alert Dog, so everyone that dresses in Spirit Day attire will need to contribute $1.00. For more information on this project, please go to this website to view a video produced by the student.
As a service project for one of her college classes, alum Logan Heath, is conducting a canned food drive at Tattnall for the Food Bank of Middle Georgia. Donation boxes are located in the elementary office and in the upper school office.
As a service project for one of her college classes, alum Logan Heath, is conducting a canned food drive at Tattnall for the Food Bank of Middle Georgia. Donation boxes are located in the elementary office and in the upper school office.