Thursday, April 24, 2014

Reminders and Dates

**NOW DUE: 6th Grade Dance ($25) and auction ($4) money
**Thursday, May 1- Spotlights the Arts and Book Fair
           The book fair will be open on Thursday, May 1st during Spotlight on the Arts 
           and continue through Saturday, May 10.
**Friday, May 2- 6th grade dance (Invitations were sent home this past Monday)

      Friday is a Spirit Dress Day to benefit the media center.  For a $1.00  
     donation, students may wear spirit day attire; seniors are encouraged to wear their   
     college t-shirt (where they plan to attend), and soccer team members are encouraged 
     to wear their soccer shirt.

**Wednesday, May 14- 6th grade chapel 
**Thursday, May 15- Moving Up for Grades 6-12 (9:10 A.M.)
**Thursday, May 22- End of Year pool party at the Brown's house (9:00-11:45)
**Friday, May 23- Last day and Honors Day